Pulpería Isabel

Grocery store in Choloma

Updated: April 21, 2024 01:02 PM

Pulpería Isabel is located in Choloma (City in Honduras), Honduras. It's address is J3G2+79, Choloma, Cortés, Honduras.

J3G2+79, Choloma, Cortés, Honduras

Questions & Answers

Where is Pulpería Isabel?

Pulpería Isabel is located at: J3G2+79, Choloma, Cortés, Honduras.

What are the coordinates of Pulpería Isabel?

Coordinates: 15.6256769, -87.9489978

Pulpería Isabel Reviews

Luis Machado
2023-03-15 23:00:37 GMT

Muy buen lugar

Write a review of Pulpería Isabel

Pulpería Isabel Directions
About Choloma
City in Honduras

Choloma is a city and municipality in the Honduran department of Cortés. It is the third-largest city in Honduras with a population of 220,300. Many factories are stationed in Choloma due to its cheap labour which has boosted the municipality's economy. source

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